By Ginette Robillard
My mother’s name is Thérèse. Today, she’s 87 years old and she lives with my sister, Francine. When my mother was a child, she started learning the piano. She learnt for many years and she used to be a very good pianist. I wrote “she used to” because now, she is a deaf person and she has arthritis, so she can’t play anymore.
Today, my brother and sister, my children and I, plus some other family members own a CD of my mother playing piano. It is a very important KEEPSAKE that will remind us of our mother and her piano playing for all the rest of our lives.♥
you just love these heartwarming stories!!
My mother’s name is Thérèse. Today, she’s 87 years old and she lives with my sister, Francine. When my mother was a child, she started learning the piano. She learnt for many years and she used to be a very good pianist. I wrote “she used to” because now, she is a deaf person and she has arthritis, so she can’t play anymore.
When she got married and for many many years after,
she couldn’t have a piano in her home. So I always heard my mother playing only
when we were at my grand-mother’s home. I also remember that while she was
playing, I often cried. Her music made me feel nostalgic.
Fifteen years ago, when she moved in with my sister, she
bought a piano. One day, my sister decided to record her music on a tape. And
after a few years, she transferred the tape to a CD. Today, my brother and sister, my children and I, plus some other family members own a CD of my mother playing piano. It is a very important KEEPSAKE that will remind us of our mother and her piano playing for all the rest of our lives.♥
so much GINETTE!
I was really touched by your personal story.
It made me think of my own TANTE LAURETTE
who used to play the piano when I went
to visit my great-grandmother.
I also got the urge to go and look for
some of my own keepsakes which
of course include my childhood photo album!
NOTE: MEMENTO, KEEPSAKE, SOUVENIR are all synonyms used to describe an object that reminds us of a person or an experience. We all have them!!!