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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Summer in my neighbourhood ... $%&?"* !!!

To each and every one of you!
How are you doing?
It’s been over a month now
since we finished our classes.
I miss you!! I miss all that energy
and your smiling faces.

In a short while, about ten days from today, I will be leaving for the cottage up North. I’m really looking forward to that moment where I pack the car, literally, pack the car up to the roof and get in the car and hit the road! To the GREAT OUTDOORS for the summer ... YAY!

The summerrrr!!? The one we had in March or the one that’s coming in July! Well at least I’m out of the city and the noise that I’m subjected to the moment I open my windows. Just wait … I’m telling you! Next week, it’s all going to start: the lawn mowers, the hedge cutters, the grass cuttings picker-upper!! The outside renovations and the digging-out-the- back-yard for the new swimming pool! And the discussions about HOW TO PUT UP the gazebo!! A lot of ‘bosses’ around and how about the ‘back-seat-drivers’, there are plenty of those around! Just in my neighbourhood there are at least a dozen barking out their orders and yelling at the top of their lungs. And of course not to forget the ‘guys' that must, absolutely, wash their cars every two days and listen to their favourite ‘bang-bang’ music while doing it. 
All of this has a definition, it’s called NOISE pollution!
 NO MORE!!! PLEASE get me out of here!!
Get me away from all these crazy people
who don’t seem to know how to enjoy themselves.

Please get me away from the backyard pollution as well!
BBQ smoke that fills my appartment 
at lunch and supper time!  
And the smoke that invades my bedroom 
from these  strange looking objects.
And what's that awful nauseous smell ??? 
                                            YUK! I feel sick !  
I know I’m exaggerating (just a little bit)
but for Pete’s sake (idiom) tone it down!!!

YOU DO have neighbours who are just sitting very quietly in their backyards and enjoying the time off from work or just admiring their great flowers and the birds feeders and don’t mind that the grass is a bit longer than it should be, or that things are NOT perfect!! 
So I’ve finished my ranting about summer in the city and I’m off into the woods! I know I’m lucky to be able to rent a summer cottage and I DO work hard for it. I really need to escape into the fresh air, the natural green environment and the birds, even the crazy woodpeckers and squirrels that like to make so mush noise but … it’s what Nature has to offer us as the best of music!!
                                          So until when … 
It’s me and Lucien 
going away for the summer.

That's a YESSS! in cat talk.
Here is Lucien's little friend from last summer,
 I hope he's still around!

SEE YOU …   Suzanne 

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