You are all invited to join in and be pro-active! This blog also belongs to you.

Here are some of the ways you can participate:

* COMMENT (even if you make mistakes) C'est pas grave!
You will get better and better! You cannot GO BACK!
PLEASE leave a COMMENT (click on comment at the bottom of post and follow instructions)

* SHARE INFORMATION with your classmates, they will surely appreciate your findings:
New ESL sites, stories, anecdotes, jokes, games ...
* WRITE what's on your mind! How you feel about your learning process.
You are not alone! Group 'therapy'!!!

HAVE a dose of FUN!!!
* LET me KNOW that you are there to encourage... ME TOO (inside joke)!


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- anything UNDERLINED ia a link to click on

Saturday, November 26, 2011

PART TWO : What Pets Write in Their Diaries -- A cat's Diary

NOTE to the reader:
TO BE READ IRONICALLY! Of course! And you will find some 
KEY words in reference to PRISON, at the end of this document. Hope you get a good laugh at the references!

Day no. 983 of my captivity...
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.
Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. The Bastards!!!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage. 
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but next time  -- at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded!
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell      
                                   So he is safe …  For now … !!!

KEY WORDS: first time doing this, hope it helps!
Captors > owners/propriétaire
hash > food > chopped up into little pieces> from Fr.< hacher
Inmates > prisoners > prison mates
make my contempt … clear > mon désaccord de cette réalité
Escape > as in being free/me sauver
Strike fear > to scare someone/faire peur
What I’m capable of … > what I CAN do
The ‘Bastards’ > form of angry remark > insult/Les Bâtards!
Assembly of their accomplices > ceux qui sont de connivence
Solitary confinement > prison term/en cellule fermé
My tormentors > mes bourreaux
Weaving ... feet > to be in the way/être dans ses jambes
Flunkies > 'yes-men' > des dépendants (ref. to dog)
and snitches > informants/rapporteurs (ref. to parrot)
cell > prison cell > avec des barreaux 

Have a great weekend!  

Friday, November 25, 2011

CAT LOVERS WILL UNDERSTAND! from Simon's Cat series

Today it's a video!

A cat one at that!
So funneeeee! It made me laugh out loud.
I enjoyed it and I can see some similarities
with some of my past cat Balou's habits.

Thanks Jean O. for sending this!!!
Thanks again for thinking of me and making me laugh!
I will send it on to some of my cat-loving friends,
and share the laughter!


* Click on title for Simon's official WEBSITE
or on YouTube list, Simon's cat.
There are more! 18 are listed ... YESSSS!!!


Mitch Albom's latest non-fiction book 
Have a Little Faith
has been produced and made into 
a TV movie/film.
It's on ABC, Sunday night, 
should be 8:00 or 9:00, 
To be sure, check you local 
or cable TV listings.

 This coming  Sunday evening, you might want 
  to watch a movie on American TV.
 Of course, it's Thanksgiving weekend in the USA,
so they always have special programming,
usually inspirational and in relationship
with the spirit of this family oriented American holiday. 
They are presenting the movie-version of Have A Little Faith.
The movie is based on another Mitch Albom non-fiction book.
very similar to the preceding one 
that I had mentioned in class, Tuesdays with Morrie.

If you want to read more and prepare for the film,
and, also, if you missed today's Dr.Phil Show 
with its guests, the actors and the author,
you can click on the title of this post.
Of course it's basic message is about faith.
FAITH being an open word here!
About believing in life, in yourself and in others,
whichever way you SEE it or UNDERSTAND it. 
but there is also an underlying message about
inclusion and accepting differences.
You are given opportunities in your life,
it's up to you to choose to act on them or not!
LIFE AFFIRMING decisions and actions.



For today, here is M-D. and her daughters' 
contribution to this blog of mine!
This is the FIRST PART of:
What Pets Write in Their Diaries!

 A Dog's Diary    

8:00 am - Dog food! 
             My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! 
             My favorite thing!

9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!     
10:30 am - Got scratched & petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 PM - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 PM - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 PM - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!          
5:00 PM -   Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 PM -   Got to play ball! My favorite thing! 
8:00 PM -   Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 PM -  Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!                         
Tomorrow, the second part: 
A Cat's Diary.


Hello! and How are you doing? 
It's been a while! Recently, I have been really busy. 
As we say: I have a lot on my plate! (idiom)
I've been updating all my ESL documents. Making them more visual and reconfigurating them so they are more USER FRIENDLY. As I move along, I'm getting more and more inclass experience and student feed-back (THANKS!). As a result (so), I'm improving all my former documents by adding colors and details and CLIPART in some cases. And also creating NEW ones!
As the advertising slogans goes: 

So I've been posting less here. 
And I've decided that I need HELP!
So I'm going to introduce 
some emails and communications
that I get from some of you, dear students!

Today I want to publish an email I received from one of this year's students. Her name is Marie-Denise. She has a daughter and a friend that regularly send her internet texts and jokes and pictures TO HELP MOM/FRIEND in her attempts to understand and learn English. What great helpers! In rebound I get to receive them also. Aren't I lucky?
To all you committed followers, today and the following days you will be reading one form or another of student contributions. 

For today, here is M-D's and her 'people' s 
contribution to this blog of mine!
And I am grateful!

Monday, November 14, 2011


THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH               

When using the simple past and 
the past participle (perfect) of REGULAR verbs, 
the ones that finish in ED, have a definite sound.

There is a specific pronunciation rule 
USING the vibrations (or NOT) of your vocal cords.  
The TECHNIQUE that I have already shown you 
using your fingers on your throat and 
pronouncing ONLY the final sound 
of the word (here the verb).

*** For a live lesson, GO TO:
or click on title for link
Remember to exaggerate while practicing! 
The final sound is of the utmost  IMPORTANCE
it tells the listener that you are speaking of he past! 
Teacher's TIP: read OUT LOUD !!   

Friday, November 11, 2011

ON LINE reading

I love reading on line!

Speaking of which ...
The book of Awesome and the on line reading blog.
Just click on title or
image on your right.
These stories make you smile and
they are such a joy to read!

There is also WIKIPEDIA.

It reminds me,when I was young,
how I would go from one reference to the other,
flipping through the pages of the dictionary,
seeking information and fueling my curiosity.
Looove WIKI ...
it does all of it for you, it's all in the LINKS!

And how about learning on line with
all the ressources offered to  ESL students and teachers!
Super awesome!

I'm so grateful and happy
that one day, two years ago (nearly), 
I clicked on Google's: how to create a blog.
It has brought me many, many happy hours!
As you can see, I love to write
and you can read!
The best of both worlds.


TRIVIA:  one out of every eight letters you read is the letter ‘e’.


READING HABITS, what are yours?

All about READING
This post will help you to form sentences in which you can use the simple VERB tenses in your communications in English when talking or writing about habit & repeated actions.

I love to read.
Reading is one of my favourite activities.

I have many books. My books range in genre from fiction to essays (non-fiction) which I have more of! I have hard-cover books in many different sizes and just ordinary pocket books also. They are cheaper (less expensive) and popular editions. I also have some really expensive 'coffee table' books. I looove magazines especially on interior decoration and design. I have several subscriptions.

I read every day. I usually read for an hour and sometimes on weekends, up to five or six hours. Sometimes I even read two or three books at a time!! I usually read in my favourite reading chair and always read in bed fevore going to sleep. As you can see in the image above, I love to read in a nice warm bath too! 
I like to say: 
PRESENTLY I am reading Tuesdays with Morrie for the second time. I really enjoy reading this book. It brings such wisdom into my daily life! This is a non-fiction novel. 
I’m also reading a new ESL book about English idioms. Reading to be informed. It is very well presented and explained. The approach is like the one in the LONGMAN learners’ dictionary that I recommended last September, at your first class. The one you purchased (bought) at the book store for your English classes. The dictionary that you use every day!!  And that eventually will become your best friend for learning English! I am telling you this because of students’ feed-backs and comments. They use it regularly while reading and writing. 
By the way, I would like to inform you that Marie-Denise, one of my students,  is presently accumulating quite a collection of ESL books. She and I are presently preparing a list of suggested books that you can ask for as a Christmas gift! Isn't this a great idea!!!

My favourite book of all times is The Alchimist.  I never hesitate to recommend this book. I read it the first time fifteen years ago. It took me just two ‘sittings’ to finish it. Over the years I have read it so many times that I forget. I have read it in French and in English. I finally bought myself, as a gift, an illustrated hard cover copy. This book is always by my bedside and once in a while I open it and read it on the chosen page. Reading has the power to transform lives| This book has influenced me profoundly.
 It’s called BOOK LOVE!!! 
The love and the joy of reading.

Have a great 'reading' weekend!
This post comes from a document I created for this year's beginner group.
Reading is one of the best ways to enrich your vocabulary while having fun!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Last year I think I was in a more 'poetic' mood. Here is a post that I've decided to bring back. I'm less enthusiastic about fall this year even though we are having  such wonderful season and the weather to go with it ... a lot of sunshine for a change. So here are last year's musings!

When I say the word AUTUMN  ...
what is the first word that comes to mind ?

season, fall
trees, leaves, colours
afternoon, Indian Summer
festivals, harvest
outdoor markets
apples and apple pie
pumpkins and Hallow’een
change, weather, cool, rain
TEMPO’s (just kidding!)

Many words come to mind and many images do also. 
This is what is called ASSOCIATION!
Put all these words together and you get 

Sounds like the title of a movie, doesn’t it? Actually it is in fact the reminder that in English, Autumn is a girl’s name, just like Winter is, and Summer and Spring as well. There are  April’s, May’s and June’s too.

But let’s concentrate on the word AUTUMN which is the name of a seasonone of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, from hot to cold, weather that is! The synonym being FALL. Which of course comes from LA CHUTE DES FEUILLES: falling autumn leaves and we get, fall foliage and fall colours. These are all expressions used while talking about autumn.

You have song lyrics and poems that celebrate this colourful season. There are novels and short stories too. You also have visual art forms, paintings and photographs and videos that show many of our fall colours. These are the ones used to best describe them: red, yellow, orange, gold and crimson, rusts and browns, and all the different hues of each. The most spectacular presented by the sugar maple tree!

You also have the sounds of fall: the Canada geese flying over, the rustling of leaves on the ground, the sound of the cool wind in the trees, the little squirrels running around gathering their nuts for the winter. And what about the smell of woodsy dying leavesand the cool fresh air hitting your nostrils. All your senses are sollicited!!!

So, no wonder that autumn is so much 
a part of our lives here in Québec …
You can SEE it, SMELL it and HEAR it!
You can also EAT some of it
But mostly be TOUCHED by all of it!


An after thought or comment:
I really had the intention of waking up your senses when I wrote this. 
I also wanted to show the ones that hate that summer is over 
that fall is really to be appreciated.
I personally love fall/autumn even though it means 
coming back to the city but it also represents 
starting my ESL classes which I ADORE!!!
