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Monday, March 23, 2015

The feeling of being OVERWHELMED ..

 The word "overwhelmed" is commonly used in English conversations related to learning, studying and life experiences that involved intense experiences.
For example, after a tough day learning English vocabulary,
a student in an advanced ESL class might say:
         "I am overwhelmed by the amount of words
          we learned today, I don't think I can possibly
          remember all of them." 

To help you see through all of these feelings, here are a few suggestions to help you come back to the reality of learning!

Re-visit your Priorities:
When your priorities are clear, is much easier to make decisions. Quick and assertive decisions help you feel less overwhelmed because you can laser cut through obstacles and distractions and get to your prioritized ”to do” lists faster and more efficiently. Don’t underestimate this one!

Stick to a Morning Routine:
This is key! Creating a calm morning routine helps so immensely. I’m not always able to do this, however, I have felt amazing results when I put it in practice. It doesn’t need to be a long extended routine, if all you have is 15 minutes that will do it. Tell your family about it, so they will learn to respect that time for you. Some ideas of what you can do: read, listen to some soft music,, drink lemon water, write, go for a walk, exercise or garden. You can even just BREATHE!!

Keep going, GET STARTED!
The secret of how to get things done and not procrastinate or not end up doing something else is to GET STARTED!. When you are ready to sit down to start that project, put yourself in a space where there is no distractions (even though they are still going to show up) when a distraction comes along notice it but consciously be very strong to stay focus on starting your task.

Stay in the moment:
Don’t think about how you won’t be able to finish it, and how you are going to need something else to finish it, just GET STARTED. Once you start is on! Keep observing your thoughts to convince you to stop, don’t engage with them. The perfect analogy/comparison for this is the “getting yourself to the gym” one. Your mind will do all in it’s power to convince you not to go, once you are there you will get it done and the best part is that you’ll never regret you went.

 If you are still here reading along (thanks for staying) and
you would want to try to implement these,
I suggest you start with two of them only and
 keep doing them throughout the month.

If you have other methods you use
when feeling overwhelmed,  please share with us!
I use these methods too because I am
the greatest procrastinator on the earth!! REALLY!!!


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