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Friday, March 4, 2011

OUR FRIENDS and OUR PETS! ..................... Love themmmmmm ...

How are you today!

Friday and the week is winding down!
This week, as you know,  I am cat-sitting my friend Sylvie's two cats: M. Oscar and Fi-fille. In the presence of these two very, very different cats, I think I am touched by who they are. Not having any of my own right now and not used to having them around,  I am more conscious of their two very distinct personalities. So I guess that this week's contact with a feline presence has made me more aware and I'm observing their ways.

Having been a cat owner for many years, I personally believe that animals DO HAVE personalities and they are also influenced by their environment. So has M. Oscar's attitude and behaviour this week. Normally he hides under the bed but these past days ... Surprise! He is following me around, like a little dog! Maybe it's because of all the attention he's getting! Or, maybe because he thinks that I am the new 'food source'. Or, maybe he just likes me, as I would like to think so, much better for my ego! Now, on to another little 'critter' !!!

One of you sent me a series
of animal pictures with captions,
THANKS Louise.
This image of a little mouse really
got my attention and 
became a source of inspiration 
for me as a teacher.
YOU became this little mouse!
OH! Yesssss!!!


I have removed the original caption.
At first, when you look at it,
the little mouse makes you laugh with its helmet! 
But I think that ...
this little animal has a message for you !?
Forget your 'mouse-a-phobia' and 
let it become a source of inspiration for you too!
Think outside the box!
TELL ME how you are inspired by this photo.
Is there a message in there for us all?
How would you interpret this situation?

bring it to class or 
write a comment right here below this post.
We can discuss it next time
with this topic: your family pets.

Have a great week-end and I'll see you next week!


NOTE ***
Last year, these two  stories (anecdotes) were written by Carole and Guy. 
I published them on my blog. To read them follow these steps:
     1. Scroll down to Blog archive (right column), 
     2. Click on 2010
     3. Then on December, The Purrrrfect Student from Carole 
         AND, A STORY from GUY :
          November 2010, Ta dammmmm ... and The Story of Chloé

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Louise says:
The ends justifies the means.
This is a famous saying and it is also called an APHORISM.
