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Saturday, March 28, 2020

YESTERDAY and its multiple meanings and uses

This morning (March 28th 2020)
when I woke up
one word was on my mind…
YES! you guessed it!
There are two reasons why the word came to me:
Πthe first one is very personal!
      READ ON!
Yesterday, March 27th 2020, I washed my face,             put on some makeup and did my hair very carefully,       got dressed up, put on some great clothes and …
I went out, YES!, as in outside.                               Out the door and down the steps

Yesterday, Friday, March 27th,   I left my apartment for the first time in two weeks!!   I got into my car and I drove (weird after two weeks…) to a friend’s house.
The sun was out and it was a very warm spring like day
 with a wonderful 10 degrees  It was great to be out!

Soooo why did I drive to my friend Louise’s home …
WAIT! Wait! Before you start admonishing me ,
about not respecting the STAY HOME
 and No contact!! measures.       
Here is MY EXCUSABLE reason.

Birthday Party!
it was my BIRTHDAY!
 For the first time in my life
I celebrated (although very threesome-ly)  OUTSIDE, in the sunshine!   As you can see, I got the whole shebang!   
 The balloons, the cake and a very yummy gift!!

Louise and Richard, that’s friendship for you!!                
Kind, considerate and compassionate friends DO JUST THAT!!!
 I got the ‘body language’ hugs and kisses. I got to hear their wishes, live! I got my ‘homemade’ cake and I celebrated with very important company!                                                  
  BUT and there is a BUT… Didn’t get the HAPPY BIRTHDAY song though, I think that people are all out of the Birthday song because they have to sing it so many times a day while washing their hands ;)
I don’t think that the two ladies that wrote this song in 1893 would have thought it would be used in such a way …             
 But I digress … Back to the party!!
YESTERDAY … I had a wonderful hour in the sunshine!!
I spent some time with friends (2)                
 I felt loved and appreciated!! 
Feelings not words!

Birthdays have always been important for me                 (apart from saying that I am alive ;) … Here is why.
Back to yesterday as in when I was a child, a teenager,             a ‘younger person’
My mother, KATHLEEN and I shared the same birthday date! I was born on her birthday! I have always considered myself as a great gift!! (Sorry! My ego just popped up!)
My mom, always made this day very special for me and my Nan-Nan, ETHEL made the cake every single year that I remember (yesterday as in many years ago! As in 74…) One day I can show you some (black and white) pictures that I have kept.
But more importantly …

 NOW! For the second reason, the greater meaning of the word YESTERDAY …
I thought of Paul McCartney’s song and its lyrics… And I pulled a few phrases from his lyrics:
YESTERDAY , All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
SUDDENLY, there's a shadow hangin' over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Now I need a place to hide away

NOW as in TODAY, how things on this planet have changed. That’s what we call an understatement!  And as the synonym goes, it certainly is not an exaggeration either!
YESTERDAY how things were THEN suddenly, it’s NOW and how we have to cope with this situation and how we are confronted by change.  Even my birthday! A nice and welcomed change, considering!                                 
                 Remember John Lennon’s ‘IMAGINE’. 
To finish on a musical note,
No! No! Not ‘Happy birthday to you’
But some very special lyrics to celebrate
what The Beatles gave us as a forever GIFT!

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Back to SATURDAY, March 28th 2020.

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