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Thursday, January 26, 2012

TOUCH --- Keifer Sutherland's new TV series

Good morning! 
Last night I watched TOUCH . It was the 'premiere' of a new television series, in which Keifer Sutherland plays the father of an autistic child.  
As a TV fan, I really enjoyed it. It has a new approach and is an original like "Lost" and "Heroes" without the comic book elements. It is quite good and definitely worth watching but ... and there is a but ... it might be difficult for some of you, as students of English, to follow. The language is fine, it's the rythm and the complexity of the subject that will be difficult to comprehend (confusing). It deals with a complex subject matter, human inter-connected-ness. Phew! That's a mouthful! And the pace of the action is, at some moments, really fast! So you have to pay a lot of attention which might be too much to deal with or to handle. 

It's worth a try though! Let me know what you think!
For a look, click on title for the TRAILER (mainly US, media) 
                                                             A preview of a film or TV show.
  The trailer for that movie makes it seem like it would be fun.


Danielle Martel said...

Good afternoon Suzanne,

I've looked at the preview of "Touch" on YouTube and it really seemed to be quite complex as you mentioned in your comment. Naturally, they often speak fast so it is hard for me to understand; again, there was the soundtrack which interfere with it.

According what I read, I understood the series will be on air only next spring. Did I understand well?

Thanks again for all the word you're doing for us.

Danielle Martel

Suzanne said...

Hi! Danielle and thank you for your comment.
So you have seen (you watched) the trailer and YES! it is rather hard for students to understand. It is fast and the music is loud therefore doen't help with hearing the spoken words. There is some 'mumbling' going on to, Keifer's enunciation/diction' is 'mou'!!!
To answer your question: Yes! you
read well and the series will begin in March. I thought that it would
begin in February. So I kinda'
rushed things when I saw the publicity on TV.
We will talk more about it in class!
See you on Tuesday.